This dataset is no longer being updated as of 6/19/2021. It is being retained on the Open Data Portal for its potential historical interest.
This table shows the total number of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Cambridge residents by week. A small number of tests are inconclusive, and they are not represented.
The table reflects three types of COVID-19 tests:
Viral (PCR) test, also known as a molecular test. This test is used to diagnose an active coronavirus infection.
Antigen test, also known as a rapid test. This test is used to diagnose an active coronavirus infection, with a faster turnaround time than PCR tests but more likely to return a false negative.
Antibody test, also known as a serology test. This test can show if you have been infected by coronavirus in the past. Some people develop antibodies while they are still infectious. If you have symptoms, please seek viral (PCR) testing to confirm active infection.
Of note:
Dates on the chart reflect results from tests performed during the current week. For instance, the June 7 count reflects results for tests performed from June 7-13. Counts for the most recent week are likely to be incomplete because data is received mid-week.
The chart is updated every Thursday at 4 p.m.