This dataset contains compliance status and energy and water use data gathered under the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO) program. Property details, energy use and water use data are submitted by property owners or managers whose properties are subject to BEUDO through an online tool called ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Parcel level property information is obtained from the City of Cambridge Property Database.
Energy and water use information submitted by property owners and managers is shown for properties that first began reporting data on energy used in 2015. Energy use for the listed Data Year is required to be reported by May of the next year. Properties subject to BEUDO reporting include:
- nonresidential properties 25,000 square feet or more,
- residential properties with 50 or more units and
- municipal properties 10,000 square feet or more.
Reports may include data on one or more buildings. The specific building IDs included (from the Cambridge GIS Building Footprints layer) are listed in the Buildings Included column. The report level is the most detailed level of energy use available - if multiple buildings are included in a report, we do not have energy use on the individual buildings, only the group. Building IDs and what they refer to have changed over time, even for buildings that did not change. To ensure you are using only comparable data when comparing reports over time, you should only make direct comparisons for reports with the same Reporting ID.
Properties with no energy data included are those that were identified as being subject to BEUDO for the given Data Year, but which did not submit a report.