This dataset is no longer being updated as of 5/11/2023. It is being retained on the Open Data Portal for its potential historical interest.
This dataset shows positive COVID-19 Cases in Cambridge by neighborhood. It is reported to Cambridge by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts once per day. Of Note:
Population data are from Cambridge Community Development, and are sourced from the 2013-2017 American Community Survey estimates, and may differ from actual population counts.
Cases for which the home address is missing, misspelled, or incorrect (i.e., not an actual Cambridge address) may not be represented on the maps. For these reasons, the total case count reflected in the maps is lower than the current case count for the city.
The maps reflect the time period of March 10, 2020 (first known positive case) through present. Cases are not removed from the maps when a resident recovers or passes away.
The maps do not include COVID-19 cases among Cambridge residents in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities.
Data are updated once per day. Case counts are subject to change.
The Cambridge Public Health Department (CPHD) is using a tool called “geocoder,” developed by the City’s Information Technology Department, to assign the home addresses of cases to one of the city’s 13 neighborhoods. The geocoder tries to match each case address to the City's official address list. Cambridge's geocoder is run locally and off-network to ensure health data privacy.
To learn more about the demographics of the city’s neighborhoods, see City of Cambridge Neighborhood Statistical Profile 2019.